美 国 华 人 联 合 总 会 

Chinese American Federation

声援纽约华裔警员 Peter Liang 活动通知

            Announcement for the Support of the Chinese-American NYPD Officer Peter Liang   
We sincerely express our condolences to the loss of the 28 year-old African American man (Gurley), as a result of an accidental misfire during the evening of November 24, 2014 while Chinese-American NYPD Officer, Peter Liang was on duty.     
Since the conviction of Officer Peter Liang on February 11, 2016 as second-degree manslaughter and official misconduct, this overly-sentenced decision has caused among our communities to be deeply disturbed and initiated a grievance for him. Discussions of solidarity and effective support to Peter Liang are actively ongoing to attain a fair and reasonable verdict.    
Through discussion after hearing the case introduction and the explanation of the United States judicial process, the Chinese American Federation adopted the attorneys’ advice for everyone to send letters of protest to District Attorney Ken Thompson and Judge Danny Chun, to inform them of our standpoint regarding this situation. Please act as soon as possible and encourage all association/club/community members and friends to send these two letters through different methods to the offices of the District Attorney and the Judge.   

Please voice your support by doing both of the following:
1. By mail: Sign and send the two sample letters below.
2. By Facebook: Go to the Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson's Facebook page (link: https://www.facebook.com/BrooklynDA/), click Message, and send the body of the sample letter #1.
Both letter samples are provided by Daniel Deng Esq. 
Chinese American Federation  

3 attachments: 
1,Sample Support Letter for DA Kenneth Thompson

2,Sample Support Letter for Judge Chun


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